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Takeaways from the Limitless Arena 2023 Conference in Salt Lake City

Business Jenelle McColm September 25, 2023

The Limitless Arena was a massive lineup of entrepreneur and business owners who spoke about what helped them get to where they are today. This was the BIGGEST set of speakers Utah has ever seen!! One of the most powerful panels ever assembled to teach YOU how to level up all areas of your life. I was fortunate enough to get my tickets for FREE from one of my good friends from high school who is now in the mortgage and lending industry. If the opportunity were to come again next year, I would go again. It was very inspiring and the audience brought a ton of energy!! Here are my takeaways from the conference.

These are in my notes style so it's not going to make sense. I will insert a note at the bottom of each to explain what the context was.


Chase your Dreamsss
I’m going to chase the dreams I was born for
Be present

Note: The note on chasing your dreams comes from a very emotional and inspiring story shared by the host of the event "The Muscle". He shared a story about how his parents really didn't have many dreams to live for. His dad worked a normal job, and was sick most of his life. His dad ended up getting cancer when The Muscle was 19 years old. As he prepared to serve a 2-year LDS mission, many people told him that he shouldn't go because his dad may not be there when he returned. That's when his dad sat him down and said that everyone was saying he may not make it, but he promised him that he would be there when his son returned from his mission. His dad finally has something to live for. A new DREAM to be alive when his son returned. And guess what, HE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO HUG HIS SON IN THE AIRPORT 2 years later!! The moral of the story is to give yourself something to dream about and go chase it. 

David goggins
Hell yeah
Find ways to lose big
Love losing because micro loses lead to big wins

David Goggins was great to hear live. I loved what he said about learning to love losing because those lead to BIG WINS. We just need to fail so much before we can succeed. 

Gary V
There is no cheat code no short cut. It all comes from hard work and consistency. 
Enjoy life, enjoy achieving it 
We need to fall in love with losing 
Your friends and family are in the stands, you’re the one actually on the field playing the game

Jimmy Rex
$100 tip dinner 
Build community
When you start giving, you find your purpose

Andy Elliot
Train so hard that people think you’re insane. Show ‘em you’re crazy.  Become the 1% in my industry 

Codie Sanchez
The rich speak in contracts
Motivation does not = money

Andy Frisella
The more you give, the more you get
Sharpen your tools


Overall, the speakers did a great job! It was a long day of sitting, but I feel like I got some good nuggets out of it that has helped motivate me to go out and work hard in my career and LIFE. The big takeaway for me was that money DOESN'T matter. What matters are the people in your life and being present in the moment with them. Be with your friends and family and just BE a GOOD person. 

I hope you got something out of this. If you want more clarity on some of these points, give me a call! I would love to hear from you.



Work with Jenelle

Jenelle has worked in the real estate industry for over 4 years and has amassed a renowned class of clientele and unmatched experience.